Celbrating Families Committed to the Stewardship and Protection of Colorado's Conserved Lands

Family in a field Colorado is America’s Centennial State, founded in 1876. We created the Centennial Society to honor and recognize those who create an estate gift for Colorado Open Lands, ensuring our ability to steward and protect conserved lands for the next 100 years, and beyond.

Colorado’s land provides wildlife like bighorn sheep, elk, and eagles a place to live, migrate, and raise their young. Our valleys, steppes, and plains support ranching and farming families who make their living on the land and in doing so, drive our rural economies and give us delicious, nourishing local food. Throughout the state, our abundant land and waterways give residents and visitors alike world-class nature experiences that keep them coming back to their favorite fishing, hunting, photo-taking, and life-enriching spots year after year.


As a member of our Centennial Society, you ensure the permanency of this work to protect Colorado’s land. Centennial Society members share a passion for the permanent protection of the lives, livelihoods, and lifestyles that open landscapes provide for Colorado. Further, they understand and value the critical role that private landowners play in the stewardship of our state’s natural resources.

By joining the Colorado Open Lands Centennial Society, you can help protect Colorado’s most valuable treasures—our land and water—for the next 100 years, and beyond.

Your commitment to including Colorado Open Lands in your estate secures your membership. Estate gifts come in all shapes and sizes. Your legal and financial professional advisors can help you explore all possibilities, including identifying ways to maximize the financial and tax benefits of your estate gift.

Have you already included Colorado Open Lands in your estate planning? Let us know or learn more about getting started by contacting Elizabeth Silverman, Director of Philanthropy at esilverman@coloradoopenlands.org or at 303.988.2373 Ext. 216.

Free Estate Planning Tool

Join fellow COL supporters on Giving Docs, a safe, secure and free-for-life suite of estate plan essentials. If you choose to include COL in your estate plans, you'll be eligible for legacy society benefits!

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